Q. As a commuter student do I have access to the Student Health Center?
A. Yes, the Student Health Center is available to all SU students. Consider using the Student Health Center if you don’t have insurance, get injured or sick on campus, or need to squeeze in a doctor’s appointment between your classes.
Q. Can I use the gym?
A. Yes, the gym is free to all students and is accessible even during breaks. Cancel your local gym membership and take advantage of the SU gym, pool, track, and other facilities!
Q. Can I stay in a friend’s room overnight?
A. You are allowed to stay in a friend’s room overnight once in a while. We encourage this if the weather gets bad while you’re on campus or if you have been on campus, especially late, one evening and don’t feel you can safely drive home.
Q. Are campus food pantries accessible to commuters?
A. Yes, the campus food pantries are for all students. Consider using this if you run out of meals on your dining plan, can’t afford a dining plan, or are experiencing food insecurity at home.
Q. I live close by; can I keep my on-campus job over winter and summer breaks?
A. Some offices don’t need student workers over the winter and summer breaks, but some do. Talk to your supervisor about your situation. If your current position isn’t available over breaks, check Handshake for open positions.
Q. What do I do if the weather is bad, and I haven’t left for campus?
A. If you have not left yet for campus, please remain at home, and stay safe. Contact professors, supervisors, etc. and let them know you cannot make it to campus.
Q. What should I do if the weather gets bad when I’m on campus?
A. Stay put and wait for the weather to clear. If you don’t think you can get home, see if one of your friends can let you stay in their room overnight. If you don’t have a place to stay, contact the Hawk Hub for assistance.